About Us

About Company

About SFPL

Stand Fintech Pvt Ltd (SFPL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Banks , a premier Public Sector Bank, having its registered office at Pune Mumbai. The Company (Earlier Corpbank Securities Ltd and now Stand Fintech Pvt Ltd (SFPL) was incorporated and accredited as primary dealer in the year 2018 . The primary dealer activity was taken over by the parent bank ( Then Corporation Bank) in 2019.

The Company is presently engaged in giving broking services to the Institutional clients in Capital Market Segment. Other than that, the Company has been undertaking various other business activities like distribution of Mutual Fund schemes, trading in the Govt. debted Securities, Certificate of Deposits, Treasury bills, and Commercial papers. Apart from that, the company is prominently into the business of distribution of Retail Loan Products for the Parent Bank i.e State Bank Of India , Union Bank Of India ,Bank Of India , Bank Of Baroda

Our Mision

“To work together towards delivering excellent, responsive customer service by leveraging on technology and human resources”

“ Empowering 1000+ customers monthly, we're dedicated to meeting your needs and exceeding expectations every step of the way.


“To be a leading next generation digital savvy financial services provider excelling in customer service delivery and value creation for all stakeholders”

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